Pengaruh Tingkat Produksi, Harga Teh, Inflasi dan Kurs Terhadap Volume Ekspor Teh Di Indonesia


  • Mariza Sovia Sari Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia
  • Erni Febrina Harahap Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

tea export volume, tea production, tea price, exchange rate, inflation


This research aims to determine the influence of production levels, tea prices, inflation and exchange rates on the volume of tea exports in Indonesia. International trade, especially exports, can drive the national economy and increase foreign exchange earnings. Apart from the level of tea production, the price of tea also determines the level of tea exports in Indonesia. The method used is multiple linear regression the 2000-2020 period. The type of data used in this research is secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency. The research results show partially that the tea production level variable has a coefficient of 5.482 and is not significant, the tea price variable has a coefficient value of 0.202 and significant, the inflation variable has a coefficient of 0.152 and significant, the coefficient value of the exchange rate variable is -0.718 and significant. Meanwhile, simultaneously it shows that all the independent variables of production, price, inflation and exchange rate are able to influence export volume. The determination value obtained was 91.4 percent, variations in the up and down of the tea export volume variable were influenced by production levels, tea prices, inflation and exchange rates and the remaining 8.6 percent was explained by variables outside the model.


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